Looking for talented artists
You have a talent but you want something more than the recognition of relatives and friends? Participate in competition and get this opportunity!
Accepting applications until April 30
The winners will be invited to the festival in London
Rrecognized by the creative industry around the world
+44 (203) 808-81-18
Prestigious British Award
Participate from anywhere in the world
Cooperation with producers and art agencies
12 : 55 : 45 : 60
Our Website is Almost Ready
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Scale your infrastructure with our simple service.
This is your chance!
GOLDEN TIME TALENT - an international platform for the development and promotion of talents around the world. We, as a Ukrainian-British company, cannot stand aside while part of our team is under fire from Russian troops and forced to hide in shelters. We call on the world community to stop Russia and prevent them from destroying a peaceful and independent Ukraine.
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